P98 Mycoplasma genitalium (MGen) audit in the Anglia region against British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) guidelines: A reminder not to perform unnecessary MGen testing.
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Cairns, A
Kenyon, S
Patel, R
Bunch, K
Raha, D
Issue Date
Published Abstract
Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE::Microbiology, immunology, infectious diseases::Microbiology::Clinical bacteriology
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Introduction Mycoplasma Genitalium ( MGen) testing guidelines from BASHH were introduced in 2018 and updated in 2019. Clinics across the Anglia region have been testing for MGen since 2018 following a pilot. The aim of this audit was to ascertain if clinics in the region are following the BASHH guidance and to identify unnecessary testing and treatment.
Methods The following data was collected from each of the 12 clinics in the region.
1. 10 patients tested for MGen and check if the correct indications
2. 10 patients with non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU)
3. 10 patients with pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID), all above from GUMCAD coding
Results N = 329
NGU: Tested for MGen ?
Total number of patients = 116
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PID: Tested for MGen ?
Total number =106
Reasons for MGen testing
Total number of patients = 107
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Discussion 88% of NGU patients were tested for MGen and 79%of PID patients were tested for MGen. This audit showed that 20%of MGen testing was done outside BASHH guidance, achieving 80% compliance. Clinicians have already been reminded to do MGen testing in patients with NGU and PID. Clinicians have been reminded of the BASHH guidance when doing MGen testing and reminded of the criteria; as unnecessary testing can lead to giving the patient unneeded antibiotic treatment, which leads to the risk of side -effects, unnecessary costs, and antibiotic resistance. There is a plan to reaudit in 3 years’ time in the region (2025). There is a national BASHH audit planned on MGen. The correct testing and diagnosis GUMCAD codes for MGen have been shared and discussed in the regional clinics as many clinicians were unaware of this.
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Raha,D. (2022) P98 Mycoplasma genitalium ( MGen) audit in the anglia region against BASHH guidelines: a reminder not to perform unnecessary MGen testing,Sexually Transmitted Infections,Volume 98, Issue Suppl 1 A69, DOI: 10.1136/sextrans-BASHH-2022.143