Pediatrics epilepsy transition service in Luton and Dunstable: A service review. Archives of Disease in Childhood
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Saeed, A
Hira, M
Rao, S.T
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Published Abstract
Research Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Children , Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE::Dermatology and venerology,clinical genetics, internal medicine::Internal medicine::Neurology
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Introduction Effective transition is a gradual process of empowerment that equips young people with the skills necessary to manage their own healthcare in paediatric and adult services1 NICE guideline recommends that the transition should be a joint clinical action between paediatric and adult service, with at least 1 joint consultation and a clear action plan for conducting a review after the young person has transferred into the adult service.2
Aims and Objectives To evaluate and provide recommendations to the Paediatric Epilepsy service regarding the smooth and efficient transition process to Adult Epilepsy service.
We assessed if an epileptic child with normal development completed the transition process by 17th birthday, whereas an epileptic child with neuro-disability and learning difficulty completed the transition process by 19th birthday.
We also determined the reason for the delay in transition and the number of patients in whom transition did not happen in ideal condition (seen by a specialist nurse and joint transition clinic)
Methods We conducted a retrospective study where case notes of all the patients in our epilepsy service between 15-20 years of age were reviewed between February and September 2021.
Results The total number of patients was 110, 56 were Females and 54 were Males.
8 patients were excluded from data who were nonepileptic and 1 patient unfortunately died during this period.
Saeed, A., Hira, M. and Rao, S.T. (2022) Pediatrics epilepsy transition service in Luton and Dunstable: A service review. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 107(Suppl. 2) pp. A459-A460. DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2022-rcpch.745